Wednesday, 30 November 2016

High Vibration Naica Mined Gypsum Selenite Meditation

Naica Mine of Chihuahua
Photo Courtesy of NatGeo Magazine

Geologist Juan Manuel García-Ruiz calls it "the Sistine Chapel of crystals," but Superman could call it home. "There is no other place on the planet," García-Ruiz said, "where the mineral world reveals itself in such beauty."

The Naica Mine of Chihuahua, Mexico, is a working mine that is known for its extraordinary crystals. Naica is a lead, zinc and silver mine in which large voids have been found, containing crystals of selenite (gypsum) as large as 4 feet in diameter and 50 feet long.

A sort of south-of-the-border Fortress of Solitude, Mexico's Cueva de los Cristales (Cave of Crystals) contains some of the world's largest known natural crystals—translucent beams of gypsum as long as 36 feet (11 meters).

How did the crystals reach such superheroic proportions? For millennia the crystals thrived in the cave's extremely rare and stable natural environment. Temperatures hovered consistently around a steamy 136 degrees Fahrenheit (58 degrees Celsius), and the cave was filled with mineral-rich water that drove the crystals' growth.

The chamber holding these crystals is known as the Crystal Cave of Giants, and is approximately 1000 feet down in the limestone host rock of the mine. The crystals were formed by hydrothermal fluids emanating from the magma chambers below. The cavern was discovered while the miners were drilling through the Naica fault, which they were worried would flood the mine. Without specialized suits and equipment, the scientist could experience severe symptoms such as loss of consciousness and elevated blood pressure. Now García-Ruiz is advising the mining company to preserve the caves.

Newly brought to light, these crystals have already started channeling messages to mankind. You may have heard Jinky Amores and Gigi Kristensen share at Heart Mind Body Festival. Many have chosen to find their homes here in Singapore and have started communicating to Gerald Kwek and Anne Phey. Many have collective and personal messages for their keepers, and are sharing records of our ancient history and evolution.

Do you resonate with high vibration crystals? Are you a reincarnated Planetary being, Lemurian or Atlantean? If so, these Selenites will ignite your remembrance and assist you in your journey. Join us this Sunday 4th December at 3pm for a Crystal Meditation where we will channel collective and personal messages.

If you have already are a keeper of these Selenites, do bring them for this meditation for collective energy and messages. If you do not have any, come and receive the blessings that have been kept in Mother Gaia for you. Gerald has been attuning the crystals to their keepers aligned to their joint mission. Anne Phey has been receiving shapes, colours and poems. These selenite crystals are out of this world. Come and find out what is in store for you. We will also have special guest Gigi Kristensen who will share about the Crystal Caves and Messages if you have not heard them at HMB.

For those who attend, a special rate will be given for attunement and crystal poem channeling with a beautiful keepsake to go home with your crystal. Event details:

More info on The Naica Caves of Chihuahua

Monday, 7 November 2016

Unlock Earthly Crystal & Planetary Portals

Come access Earthly #Crystal & Planetary #Portal energy to help us in our #awakening and access to our innate talents and align more to our #lifepurpose.  This workshop is suitable for those who desire to move their life to the next phase, #shift to high vibrations and who want to know more about their #galactic connections.  Besides sharing of knowledge, it will be an experiential session where you will travel across #dimensions with the earth and planets. Come if you are ready for #transformation! @annephey #thehulalife

Unlock Earthly Crystal & Planetary Portals

To truly move to a higher awareness and consciousness, we can tune up tune up our vibration to the 5th dimension and beyond. We can become better versions of ourselves and our world by tapping into an infinite loop of unconditional self-love, co-creation and mastery, unity and peace.

This workshop will share about the resources that have been made available to us before and after the harmonic convergence – our galaxies and stars, crystal grids within earth and our own subtle bodies. Learn how to unlock these portals to access the immense library of vibrational knowledge.

Since 2012, new #channelers like Anne Phey have been called to share the new energy from the planets, connect with the #galaxies, earthly #crystalgrids and access energy ###portals and activate our crystalline bodies. Behold the old has past and the new has come. Rise to the new #multi-dimensionional #vibrations, allow for #lightlanguage activation and receive freshly channeled energetic messages and divine knowledge. Change is here but #transformation is a #conscious choice.
 Anne will channel messages from Pleidia for humanity, and help us to understand the keys given to our living earth by the Pleidians.

Come on this journey to the higher dimension and frequency, experience the healing and receive channeled messages for each individual.

Date: Wednesday 9th November 2016
Time: 7:30pm to 10pm
Venue: Qi New Age & Healing Centre Singapore, 42 Kandahar Street, Singapore 198896
Energy Exchange: $88