Monday, 23 March 2015

Gratitude For Our Singapore

This morning, the founding father of modern day Singapore, Mr Lee Kuan Yew died at age 91 at 3.18 am on March 23rd, 2015.  The tearful announcement of the passing of his father was made by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, announced in Malay, Chinese and English language over Channel News Asia.

LKY is truly a great leader who has the foresight and leadership which transformed Singapore from a racially & culturally diverse island into a thriving developed nation. Singapore is not just a notable achiever in the international markets for its stable infrastructure, continued economic development, well known efficiency and transparency, strategic focus in foreign direct investments but also a safe, harmonious and green country to live in. 

He believed and made the dream of Singapore come true. May his soul rest in peace.  It is my hope that the legacy of sacrificial, visionary leadership and respect to race, religion and culture continues in the next generation of leaders.

The Best Quote

My favourite quote of all is from the man Mr Lee Kuan Yew himself, “I have no regrets.  I have spent my life, so much of it, building up this country. There’s nothing more that I need to do. At the end of the day, what have I got? A successful Singapore.  What have I given up? My Life”.

Tributes from world leaders:

President Barack Obama called him “A visionary who led his country from Singapore’s independence in 1965 to build one of the most prosperous countries in the world today, he was a devoted public servant and a remarkable leader. Minister Mentor Lee’s views and insights on Asian dynamics and economic management were respected by many around the world, and no small number of this and past generations of world leaders have sought his advice on governance and development.  …He was a true giant of history who will be remembered for generations to come as the father of modern Singapore and as one of the great strategists of Asian affairs.”

Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi called him “A far-sighted statesman & a lion among leaders, mr Le Kuan Yew’s life teaches valuable lessons to everyone.”

China’s President Xi Jinping praised him as “an old friend of the Chinese people”, “widely respected by the international community as a strategist and a statesman, the founder, pioneer and promoter of China-Singapore relations.”

Tributes from commercial leaders

Janet Ang (Managing Director, IBM Singapore Pte Ltd) wrote, “Yesterday, as I was thinking and praying for Mr Lee Kuan Yew, I reflected on Henri Nouwen's words on "dying well". Quote by Henri Nouwen on "Dying Well" : "We will all die one day. That is one of the few things we can be sure of. But will we die well? That is less certain. Dying well means dying for others, making our lives fruitful for those we leave behind. The big question, therefore is not "What can I still do in the years I have left to live?" but "How can I prepare myself for my death so that my life can continue to bear fruit in the generations that will follow."
Mr Lee Kuan Yew has lived a fruitful life and has changed the destiny of millions of Singaporeans and made the lives of all of us, whom he has left behind, for the better. Thank you Mr Lee Kuan Yew. We celebrate your life for all that you have done in bringing Singapore from colonial rule to independence, from a fishing port to an intelligent, connected first world economy, from a small little red dot to a Singapore that (in the words of Tony Blair, former Prime Minister of UK)  "has a respect and admiration far above its size." . We salute you Mr Lee Kuan Yew, for all your lifetime achievements which few can claim and for serving and loving Singapore, right to your very end.”

Piyush Gupta (CEO, DBS Group) wrote, “How does one even begin to pay tribute to a man as large as him? He was truly a giant of a man, deservedly a legend. If a nation can have a father, then he was Singapore’s. He led us on the path to becoming our own nation, he showed us the way to becoming a viable country, he transformed us into a city of the world. A small tropical island, a little red dot, that nevertheless found a place on the global stage…such has been his legacy.”
He also said, “Long years ago, when Gandhi died, Nehru eulogized him thus: “A light has gone out of our lives…For the light that shown on this country was no ordinary light”…Lee Kuan Yew was no ordinary light. He was a flame.”…”Together, we must be the guardians of his vision. Together, we must carry the flag.”

My Thoughts

My thoughts can be summed up in a quote from “Positive Outlooks”: At the end of life, what really matters is not what we bought but what we built; not what we got but what we shared; not competence but our character; and not our success but our significance. Live a life that matters. Live a life of love.

Thank you for giving your life to Singapore, taking it from independence to development, creating opportunities and growth for our small nation which we are proud of calling our Singapore.  There is no other man that can be like him.


  1. Nick Wilde "The best of times and the worst of times for Singapore. Celebrates it's 50th birthday as one of the most vibrant economies in the world and loses it's founding father. Vale Lee Kuan Yew, you truly made a difference in the world. "

  2. Ivan Zasarsky "An amazing and transformative leader. "

  3. Maria Elena Romanelli "Indeed, he created a Nation and What a Nation! A great leader and a visionary. RIP "

  4. Adrian Gonzalez "The passing of Lee Kuan Yew sees the loss of a visionary, statesman and leadership role model the world has rarely seen. My commiserations to all Singaporean’s and like-minded citizens of humanity. Adrian "

  5. CHOU Yuen Keng Kelly (邹源庆) "Nice quote from Anne Phey - Innovator: At the end of life, what really matters is not what we bought but what we built; not what we got but what we shared; not competence but our character; and not our success but our significance. Live a life that matters. Live a life of love. Mr Lee Kuan Yew truly exemplified the values espoused in this quote."

  6. Midhun Amir "The Leader and Visionary !"

  7. Reuben Oh "One of the Greatest Leaders All time.... he has built a tiny island nation into such an economic success for its people. Meritocracy is one of the attributes that he highlights as one of the key factors of the nation's strong success and respect globally. I salute the passing of Lee Kuan Yew, the likes of which global leaders would find hard to measure up to."

  8. David Toh "Nice post Anne. My memory of LKY was not only that he was Singapore, he was the author of meritocracy. An icon of our generation whom we will miss."

  9. Andrea Edwards "Beautiful tribute Anne and I love the quote you use to honour him. The outpouring yesterday around the world was remarkable and it feels like a very special time to be in Singapore. I have always found Singapore remarkable, so it was wonderful to see him honoured for all that he did. I loved the fact he never apologised, and he demonstrated over 50 years that a commitment to a vision results in success. It wasn't perfect, but nothing ever is, so nice words my friend xxxxx"

  10. Shweta Verma "Great post Anne and a befitting tribute to LKY's inspirational contribution to Singapore. "

  11. Michelle Mah "succinct post Anne. it is a surreal moment of itself to have lived within Lee's era. will definitely be missed. "

  12. Potaua Biasiny-Tule "Beautiful tribute to a special leader and a great role model. Thank you for sharing." 

  13. Cheryl Lazaroo "Truly, Sir, you were a great man. Rest in so richly deserve. You will always be cherished because as we look around us, we can see your hand in everything and the fruits of your loving passion and tireless drive has given us a Singapore, tiny but prominent. Thank you Sir."

  14. Mark Laudi "Thanks for sharing, Anne.

    I particularly like this quote: At the end of life, what really matters is not what we bought but what we built; not what we got but what we shared; not competence but our character; and not our success but our significance. Live a life that matters. Live a life of love."

  15. Kevin Cipriano "RIP..."

  16. Suciati Sutjipto "RIP"


    This is a tribute to our founding father, the 1st prime minister of Singapore, to our national anthem. We are a young country born out of an immigrant population with racial & political riots, and now in 50 years, moved from 3rd to 1st world. Our tears are flowing for the loss of one who gave his life to building our swamp to a metropolis. RIP LKY

  18. Sylvie Setiabudi "a remarkable man. The world lost one of greatest leaders. RIP "

  19. Brigitte Zeller "A real shaper with a huge vision . Singapore will not be Singapore without LKY. Big legacy. "

  20. Shirwin Yeung, MBA: Exceptional quote that you used to honor LKY. I lived in SG for two years and had fond memories of what SG has to offer.

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