Intuition is challenging to define, despite the huge role it plays in our everyday
lives. Steve Job says that “intuition is more powerful than
It is that gut feeling or an inner voice. - that unconscious reasoning that propels one to do something without saying why or how. It is a "knowing without knowing". It is "knowing without thinking". The nature of intuition has led to much scientific research, including philosophy and psychology fields to understand what it is.
Often dismissed as paranormal or the "woo-woo" stuff that women do, cognitive science is beginning to demystify the strong but sometimes
inexplicable presence of unconscious reasoning in our lives and thoughts. “There is a growing body of anecdotal evidence, combined with solid research
efforts, that suggests intuition is a critical aspect of how we humans interact
with our environment and how, ultimately, we make many of our decisions,” Ivy
Estabrooke, a program manager at the Office of Naval Research in an interview with the New York Times in 2012.
Our intuition is always there, from reading a situation, knowing what to say, making a decision and even knowing where to drive to. However, we may not always be paying attention to it. Our lives may be so dominated by our logical brain that we dismiss any signs of it.
If we can tap into this resource of wisdom, we can greatly improve our lives.
Henry Poincare said "It is through science that we prove. But through intuition that we discover". An ancient Native American proverb goes like this "We can only give ourselves the power to be".
So, for those of you who are interested to realize your full potential. Come tap into the healing power of our intuition. Join us for a fun interactive workshop where you can learn about and activate our intuitive capabilities on 30th Jul 2016. Or sign up for a one-on-one tuning of your intuitive and tap into your psychic potential.
We will cover what are
the different intuitive abilities, how to recognize if you have them,
how to set intentions and manifestation, how to awaken the hidden
talents, practice connecting with our inner self and practice simple
energy healing work. We will share practical ways to awaken
our inner self to uncover gifts, connect with the universe and send
healing to mother earth.
self confidence, improve ability to learn, achieve balance in life by
tapping into our intuitive self. Learn how to activate your intuition
and talents, such as sight, hearing, taste, feel, touch and speak. How
do you recognize your true voice to make decisions. Join us for an
interactive hands on experience.
As a channeler gifted in light language and with all six intuitive senses opened for psychic practice, Anne Phey will
guide you through specific practical ways to start experiencing or to
help you expand them if you have started. She brings
her Pleidian heritage and remembrance of past mastery to aid us in the
path of awakening.
It does not matter what level
you are at. Just come with an open mind.