Saturday, 22 February 2020

You are divinely made

You are Divinely Made

Greetings my divine loved ones! I am Ekto from Pleiades. I honour you.

My name is Ekto spelt as EKTO. I wish to speak with you today about the Dimensional Reality.  

This is the first time I am speaking through my partner here to you in English. While my partner has been hearing and speaking our sacred language for many years, this is also her first time interpreting it in public, so she may take a pause now and then in order to share more accurately.

Have you ever looked up to the sky at night and seen the stars? Have you seen Orion Nebula star constellation?  It is an open star cluster made of hot luminous blue stars.  Your astrologers call it the Seven Sisters.  That is my home, the Pleiades.  It is in the galaxy on a planet close to the earth’s Northern Hemisphere, 541 light years away.  Our star clusters have been mentioned in the ancient civilizations of the Babylonians, the Aztek, Babylonians, Persians and the Greeks.  It has been mentioned in the bible and Quaran. It has also appeared with fables weaved into astrology by Celts, Maoris, Arabs, Chinese, Japanese and so on.

Alien you say?  You will be very surprised…we look almost alike.  Yes you are not alone. We are from an ancient time.  We have existed for 100 million years and will be here for 250 million more years.

This is how the universe works.  In the galaxy, the planets go through shifts.  In those millions of years ago, our planet Plaeide went through a shift and a transformation of consciousness.  We became enlightened and discovered quantum parts of ourselves.  Life was divine and eternal. 

Destined by the Divine source, when another planet was ready, we seed the planet with light and intuition.  That was how we started too.

About 100,000 years ago, we offered to share our knowledge with earth.  We were to build the earth as the jewel of the universe filled with beauty, freedom of ideas and humans who could appreciate the beauty.  We the Plaeidians seeded the humans with our sacred design and the divine spark.  50,000 years later, this was the start of your first civilization on earth. Divine beings were sent to keep you safe.  This is all part of the universal plan.

You say that the world was created in 7 days.  7 is a sacred number. Days are not measured in your calendar days.  It took 50,000 years to create you.  How sacred is that?

You are divinely designed, your body is a symmetry, made up with sacred symbols, the 5 elements of the universe runs through you (the water, fire, earth, wood, metal). You were made higher than the angels.  You have the divine spark, you inherited intuition and you have free choice. You were made with pure love.  

Have you forgotten how much you are loved? Do you know how beautiful you are?

It is now time for you to raise the vibration of the earth and to discover your infinite divine self.

I have traveled through time through consciousness to enlighten you more to the power and beauty of who you are.  Before I sign off, allow me to share with you in my language, my gratitude and love for you.

I love you and bless you. For you are truly divine.

Message channeled in Dec 2015.

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